27 August 2008

This photo was taken outside of a beautiful cemetary. I've never really found a cemetary to be "beautiful" before... they always struck me as places of sadness, despair and loss. They represent lonliness to me... family left behind with nothing to do but visit a plot of land and speak to something that isn't really there. The act of placing a body in the ground with nothing more than a stone to signify it's position for eternity represents futility at it's finest.

This cemetary was different. It was located in the middle of corn fields, and really wasn't even visible from the gravel roads surrounding it. It was full of beautiful trees and shrubs, and the grass was manicured as perfectly as it could have been. There were plots from as far back as 1829 and as recent as 2008. This cemetary represented peace and tranquility at it's finest. In short, it represented a perfect place to spend eternity.

Visiting this piece of land really got me thinking about what death and burial represents. It also made me think about how I want to be buried. Seeing the trees that sprung forth from this piece of land, I realized that, as a society, we have really seperated ourselves from the land that we live on. We insist on building boxes in which we place our bodies that do nothing but guarantee our bodies will never again provide any benefit to the earth.

I sense that our society is going to do nothing more than grow further and further away from a sensible connection to the earth. Any God would want the exact opposite of us.

What reason would a God have for creating us and placing us on this earth? He would want us to make connections, network, combine and flourish. Only by doing this will we be able to come together in the end. If we insist on driving ourselves apart further and further in the name of religion, country or financial... we insist on directly working against any Creator.

It is time for us to reconnect to the world, to each other and to our Creator. Let's find ways to do so.
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